
Yup, it's been a really great 24 hours. First I had a bad knitting night last night (chalk that up to being tired, I think), then today at school was AWFUL! So a quick rant is justified....

1) The knitting--OK, I know better then to knit lace while tired, but I had cast on my Swallowtail Shawl Tuesday night and was thinking I'd try knitting one repeat a night if I can, at least while the repeats are small enough to manage that. But I just couldn't get anywhere--kept making little errors, ripping back to correct them, etc. So I put it down and picked up my Rusted Root--nice, easy knitting. No worries, right? Well, turns out that when I tried it on for my photo (putting the loose stitches on a thread to hold them), then put it back OTN, I had dropped a stitch. No biggie, except that I didn't notice this until, umm, 20 rows later??! So I had to frog back to that point and pick it all up again. But then I sat and stared at it forever trying to figure out which row of the lace pattern I had left off on--it doesn't seem to match any of them! I'll have to puzzle over that again when my head is on straight.

2) School--Argh! Teenagers! We're having some bullying issues (yes, in a religiously influenced teensy tinsy moral development school, of all places. Sheesh!), which came to a head today, I think. It's a very long story, but basically my history class turned into group therapy/consultation where we tried to figure out what was going on with the really weird group dynamics, and then in a separate action the vice principal staged a bit of an intervention with some of the kids. I'd like to think we had a breakthrough and we're going to see improvements, but....well, this is a group of kids that makes optimism hard. We certainly reached a new low (tears were shed--not by me, although I came close, I think one kid has been suspended for several days, parents are being called, ultimatums have been given)...we can only go up, right? And after all that was settled, I found out that they had cancelled my supply teacher for tomorrow, so I had to spend 30 minutes running around changing my lesson plans so that my classes could be covered. Eek! I gave them about 2 months notice that I was going to be gone, and handed in my lesson plans 2 days early to make sure there wouldn't be a, BLARGH!

Now I have to go pack or I'm not going to be ready to leave town tomorrow. I think I've vented enough that once I'm mostly packed, and can sit with a glass of wine (and no lace knitting!), I will feel ready for the weekend.


belaybunny said…
you've cast on. I still haven't yet .... !!
Unknown said…
Hi there, I was surprised to find someone so close to home & had to say Hi1